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Residential Survey Services

Terminus Land Surveying & Services can help you with all of your Residential Survey needs. Please click the link below for more information on these services.

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MS4 Inspection Services

With many years of stormwater experience Terminus is well equipped to provide high quality stormwater inspection services. Terminus project managers have worked throughout the Atlanta Metropolitan Area on many major projects including Dekalb County, Johns Creek, East Point, Milton, Union City and Griffin. With high quality field and office support along with cutting edge GIS professionals we are equipped to get the job done on time and right, every time. 

Interested in learning more about our services or teaming with us?  Please contact our MS4 Expert Here


ALTA Surveys

Information Coming Soon


Topographic Surveys

Information Coming Soon


Utility Corridors

Information Coming Soon


Federal Project Support

Information Coming Soon


Hydrographic Survey Projects

From single beam to multi-beam, we can do it. Our project managers have worked on hydrographic surveys from detention pond siltation investigations to major river bathymetric studies using the latest in multi-beam and side-scan technologies. 

Reach out today and let us help you accomplish your project.


Cumming, GA

Phone: (832) 860-0117